Did you know we’ve launched a new Patient Discharge App dashboard?

Date: Tuesday, 02nd Mar 2021 | Category: PDMS

Do you use our Patient Discharge App? Then you may have noticed that we have implemented a new dashboard.

This new dashboard was created to support the reporting requirements of the Discharge to Assess policy, put in place by the Government last year.

New PDA dashboardThe dashboard now covers two key sections – the pathway the patient took and the destination of the patient. It also shows stats based of patients discharged yesterday, within the past 7 days and within the past 30 days.

We’ve had some great feedback on the new dashboard, which means so much to us as we are always striving to improve.

This update was part of several updates to the App, and it’s reporting ability, as part of our Innovate UK project. You can read all about this project in our News article ‘Phew awarded Innovation Funding to develop app…’

If you have any questions about the new dashboard or any other updates, please feel free to email us at hello@phew.org.uk