Newsletter management service available on Phew websites

Date: Monday, 28th Feb 2022 | Category: New Features

If you are a Phew website client then are you aware that you’re able to add on a newsletter management service to your system to build and send email newsletters quickly and easily?

Newsletters are a great way of providing informative content to subscribers and they can feature a range of relevant and timely topics. They are also a cost-effective method of communication and can be sent when needed, whether on a regular monthly basis, or ad hoc to share an important update.

We’ve recently upgraded the newsletter functionality so that different layouts can be used to tailor content. The new elements which can now be used when creating a newsletter are:

  • Featured Post: You can select one post to appear as a featured post at the top of the newsletter. This is useful if you have an important news update that you don’t want subscribers to miss.
  • Featured Image: This will accompany the featured post mentioned above.
  • News Posts Horizontal: This provides the ability to display news articles horizontally in columns of three to add interest to the design.

If you are a website client and would like to add the newsletter management service to your system, then do get in touch by email at or telephone on 01234 779050, as we would be happy to discuss this with you.