New theme grouping feature in the Phew Audit System

Date: Thursday, 29th Jun 2023 | Category: Audits

We are thrilled to announce a powerful new feature in the Phew Audit System: the ability to categorise and analyse your questions based on the theme context for each audit. This can also be applied historically.

You now have the option to group questions by themes, regardless of section headers, bringing a number of benefits, such as improved organisation, heightened focus, advanced reporting analysis, and targeted insights.

In this blog post, we outline how to use the new themes feature and where the data can be viewed in the existing reports.

How to enable themes

Firstly, create your audit as normal, then in the edit section scroll down to the Themes section and toggle the ‘Enable themes’ button to switch on:

Phew Audit System Themes

You are then able to add as many themes as required by clicking the Add New Theme button.

Once the themes have been added, these can then be applied to the questions on an individual basis. Whether adding a new question or editing a pre-existing one, themes can be added in using the same method:

Phew Audit System Themes

Opening up the option will allow you to select the corresponding theme from the dropdown menu:

Phew Audit System Themes

Please note that If a theme is not required for a question, Not Required must be selected from the dropdown list.

Once selected, click the Edit Question button to save the changes made. You will then be able to see on the summary table which of your questions have themes associated with them:

Phew Audit System Themes

You will also be able to identify from the main audit screen which of your audits (either live or historic) use themes in the questions:

Phew Audit System Themes


Themes in reporting

Your themes data will be integrated seamlessly into three of the existing reports within the Audit System. By incorporating your question themes into these reports, you can easily track and evaluate the performance of specific themes in relation to the ratings options utilised in your audit:

1. Rating Overview Report:

You will now see an extra section at the top of the report titled Theme Averages, which will show you a breakdown of your question themes vs the ratings options you use in your audit:

Themes reporting

You will also be able to view the theme of a particular question when you dig into the individual ratings for it:

Themes reporting

2. Response Overview Report:

There is also an extra section at the top of this report titled Theme Averages, which will show you a breakdown of your question themes vs the response options you use in your audit:

Themes reporting

You will be able to view the theme of a particular question when you dig into the individual responses for it.

3. Action Plan Report:

Question themes are also highlighted in the Action Plan Report:

Phew themes


We hope you find this great new feature beneficial. If you have any questions about it, then please feel free to get in touch with the team who will be happy to help. Call us on 01234 779050 or email