Introducing two new features on the Phew LMS: delegate manager payments and hiding places for external events

Date: Monday, 26th Feb 2024 | Category: General, LMS, New Features

At Phew, we are constantly working to enhance our Learning Management System (LMS) to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of our clients. Today, we are excited to introduce two new features that will streamline your experience and improve the functionality of the system – delegate manager payments and hiding places for external events.

Delegate manager payments

We’ve updated the Payments report in the LMS to display a delegate’s name on a booking if they have been booked on to an event by a delegate manager, making it easy for administrators to identify the delegates that the payment was for.

As shown in the image below, the delegate manager’s name making the booking is now displayed, along with the list of delegate names:

Delegate manager payment

With this new delegate manager payments feature, you can easily track bookings made by delegate managers and see a clear breakdown of all attendees included in those bookings. This transparency enhances accountability and simplifies financial reporting.

Hiding places for external events

We understand that managing external events can present unique challenges, especially when it comes to tracking available places. To address this, we have updated the system to hide places fields for external events where place tracking is not necessary.

When adding or editing an external event in the admin area, the places fields (such as ‘Places,’ ‘Places Left,’ and ‘Reserved’) will be automatically greyed out.

This simplifies the process for administrators, ensuring that only relevant information is displayed for external events.

On the front end of the LMS, for courses marked as external, the ‘Places Available’ information will not be shown on listing pages.

Additionally, the ‘Places Available’ section will be hidden on course details pages to avoid confusion for delegates and administrators alike. The images below show where Places Available will be removed if the course is marked as external.




Hiding places for external events eliminates confusion around available spaces for courses that do not require place tracking. Delegates will see only the relevant information they need to make informed decisions, creating a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.

For more information on these new features, please get in touch with the Support Team by sending an email to or phoning 01234 779050.