The ability to set up test audits in Phew’s Audit System now available!

Date: Monday, 10th Jun 2024 | Category: Audits, General, New Features

We are delighted to share details of an enhancement to the Phew Audit System which provides clients with the ability to mark audits as tests, offering enhanced flexibility and control over their audit processes. 

One of the standout benefits of this update is that test audits are excluded from the total credit usage. This means clients will not be billed for any test audits, providing a cost-effective solution for trial runs and experimental audits. This feature also lays the groundwork for a comprehensive client-based credit usage report, which will be accessible in the near future. Clients will soon be able to track their credit usage with greater accuracy and transparency. 

It’s straightforward to designate certain audits as tests in the Audit System. Begin by navigating to the audit and click ‘Edit’: 

Then click on ‘Update Details and/or Set Active:


You then have the option to select ‘Yes’ where it states ‘Mark This as a Test Audit’. The default is set to No:


You can see an overview of whether an audit has been marked as a test in the list of audits: 

To maintain the integrity of the testing process, an audit can only be marked as a test if it has three or fewer organisations assigned. If an audit exceeds this limit, the option to set it as a test will be removed automatically. 

This flexibility is invaluable for testing new strategies or training new team members. By excluding test audits from the total credit usage, clients can conduct necessary trial audits without incurring additional costs, ensuring that every credit is used efficiently. The clear distinction between test and live audits helps clients manage their audit portfolios more effectively, ensuring that resources are allocated appropriately and that only relevant audits are billed.  

If you have any questions about test audits, please do get in touch with the team by sending an email to or calling 01234 779050.