Audit System FAQs

Audit System FAQs

How does the pricing work?

The pricing is based on how many responses you received to your audits. So it’s not per audit, but the number of responses started.

Are there any hidden costs?

There are no hidden costs for the system as support, hosting and compliance are included in the license fee. Within the initial set-up fee, we include training of up to four members of staff which is delivered online.

Do we have to pay for new features?

No, all new features are included as part of the license. These are planned into our roadmap based on priority and our client focus group input. The only rare exception is if a client has a unique request that we would consider to be outside of the scope of the system.

Is the Audit System user-friendly?

Our system is designed with user-experience in mind and is easy to use. We receive positive feedback on an ongoing basis from our clients about the user-friendliness of our system. 

Can we change questions for different groups?

The system allows you to hide questions or sections within the audit based on specific organisation types (which you define), so enables you to have a single audit for reporting, but flexibility within it. 

Is the tool just for Section 11 and Section 175 Audits?

The tool is an audit platform which allow you to create any number of audits with any questions you’d like to ask. Thus none of the audits that the system offers are prescriptive.

Can the system be used to comply with the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) guidance?

Whilst many of our clients use the system to conduct Section 175 or Section 11 audits, it is also a platform where you can set your own questions. So yes, based on your questions the system can be completely compliant with the latest KCSIE or any other compliance. 

Does the Audit System create an Action Plan?

 Yes. Our system generates an action plan based on the audit results, which can be used to address any areas of improvement. This can be reported on for by the responding organisation, and the audit administrator can review it per question for each submission, as a consolidated plan for each submission and as a whole cohort report. 

Does it create a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) Action Plan?

Each school within a MAT (Multi-Academy Trust) will have a separate account. Our system is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the Trust’s performance, allowing for easy comparison and identification of trends. 

Is it possible to change or amend questions?

Our system is adaptable to changing or amending questions. Admin users can make amendments until the audit has begun to be completed. After that point, only Phew can make changes. 

Does the system offer reports?

There is a comprehensive reporting suite within the system that allows analysis.

Does the system allow you to print and send via email?

The system allows you to print the whole audit or a section as well as displaying on screen. The system also offers the ability to download the audit as a PDF for both those responding (during and after completion), as well as audit administrators. All reports can be printed online, but the system offers download options too. 

Does the system send invites and reminders?

The system sends audit invites and you can control reminders within the system to automatically send on your desired timeline. 

How long does it take to implement?

Once procurement or contracts are in place, it usually takes between four to eight weeks to implement a system; this range usually is only affected by the availability of client’s teams.

Do we need to go out to tender?

Phew is very happy to support tendering processes. However, we are also keen to work with clients to find alternative procurement methods.

What support and training do we get?

System support is included in the license. Thus all clients get unlimited support for the system administrators that Phew have trained. We include training for up to four users online as part of initial implementation. This can be extended as part of contract negotiations.

Does the system meet Accessibility and GPPR requirements?

The system meets the priority two accessibility standards and supports GDPR legislation with several customisable features. These are agreed upon during the implementation process supported by Phew.


If you have any further questions, then please don’t hesitate to send an email to or telephone 01234 779050.