Client Panel Registration

Client Panel Registration

We would like your help to shape how we develop and improve our systems.

What are the client panels?

Each Phew product has its own client panel. The current panels are for the Learning Management System (LMS), Audit System, Discharge Management App and Websites.

The panels are a chance to look at what updates and changes you would like to see going forwards, and to discuss anything you think could be improved.

How often, and how, do they take place?

The panels meet quarterly. The meetings will be held virtually via teams, so no travel will be required.

What do I have to bring?

You just have to bring yourself and any thoughts you have on the particular system we will be discussing.

What will be the structure of the panel meetings?

This is yet to be confirmed. But rest assured, it will be a pretty informal meeting, where everyone will get to have their say. We are also looking at holding a focus session during each panel meeting, when one of our clients will be invited to talk for 5-10 minutes about the specific system.

Who attends from the Phew team?

It will normally be Matthew Burgess, Phew Managing Director, and Kathryn Rose, Account Executive. This may change from time to time, if circumstances require it.

Can I be in more than one product panel?

Absolutely. We’d love to hear your thoughts on any of the Phew systems you use.

How to I register my interest?

If you’re interested in the joining the a Phew panel, please fill in the form on the right to register your interest.



Register your interest