Archives: Notifications

Copy a page

You can now clone a page at the click of a button! Open up any content page and just...

Bulk delete upload

You can now bulk delete unused media items. Simple: Hover over “Media” and click “Media Manager”. This page will...

Check if media is used

In your media library, you can now check if files are being used. Click on a file, click “Check...

Sidebar Updates

We have updated the sidebar on archive pages (such as “All News Posts”) so it is consistent across the...

New layout and Animation Options

A new layout is now available called “Animated Icons”. This allows you to create buttons that animate when the...

Updated Admin Bar and Better Printing

We have updated the admin bar to streamline the amount of options and added a new “Get Support” button....

Matomo Analytics

For those who have chosen to switch their analytics over to Matomo, you can find guides on how to...

Bug Fixes

Our latest release has fixed bugs throughout the system. Such as: Newsletter subjects not appearing correctly on some email...

Automated content blocks, Newsletter updates and bug fixes

You can choose how you want automated content blocks to order pages – (Alphabetically, Date created, Date last edited)....